Friday, March 27, 2015

Week 28


IB Word of the Week – PRINCIPLED – Talk to your child about how he/she shows integrity, honesty and sense of fairness. Talk about a time when your child showed that he/she was principled. How did it make them feel?
We read the book, “Penny and the Marble,” by Kevin Henkes. This is a great book to read when learning about being principled and honest.

Writer’s Workshop – We have moved on to “All About Books.”
Students will be “writing a few All-About books on topics of their choice.” Students will learn how to take what they know about their topic and write a lot of information about it. Students will also learn how to add more to their book by using the different paper choices that are available.
Some students may wish to add the following pages:
ü  Different kinds of…
ü  How-to page
ü  Diagram of a…
ü  Fun Facts Page
ü  Ask the Expert Page
ü  Questions and Wonders Page
ü  Glossary Page
ü  Table of Contents
ü  All About Author/Dedication page
ü  Summary Page

-ink Word Family – This week we are learning how to spell and write words with –ink. Please explore –ink words at home.

In math we are continuing with money. We are also working with fractions - ½.  When dividing wholes into half use the following words such as part, half, whole, divide, equal, odd, even, uneven.  This will help your child have a better understand of these words when relating to math concepts.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Week 25



·       The IB word of the week is KNOWLEDGEABLE:  How does your child explore concepts and ideas that are of local a global significance?

·       How to Writing”Celebrate your child’s “How To” books. Your child’s writing has come so far!

·       Compound Words – Compound words are two words put together to make one word.  What compound words can your child come up with?

·       We read the book, Journey by: Aaron Becker. This book is a 2014 Caldecott Honor Book. The book has no words and only pictures. It follows the adventures of a young girl who escapes the boredom of home to find a magical realm – in which she can control her destiny with her imagination. In class we discussed how authors can publish books without words and still convey so much meaning and imagination.  Some students develop writing skills at a faster or slower rate than others and that is okay. Students can still publish class books with pictures.
If you don’t have this book at home please check it out at the library or consider purchasing. This book leaves so much to the student’s imagination and had them talking about the book all week.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Week 24


·       The IB word of the week is INTEGRITY:  Is your child honest and does he/she the right thing? Talk about examples.
·       How to Writing”We are starting a new unit of writing during Writers Workshop called the “How To” process.  This type of writings zooms in on a small moment focusing on teaching the reader “how to” do something.  This usually includes an activity by following simple steps. First, then, next, last.  We have practiced “how to” make an alligator, “how to” draw a person, “how to” make a PB&J and “how to” draw an astronaut.
·       Math/Tally – How is your child doing with tallies? Counting by 5s is a great example for helping your child make tally marks. Keep practicing.
·       President’s Day – Can your child tell you any important facts about George Washington or Abraham Lincoln?  What are some of the criteria for becoming president of the US? Live in the US for 14 years. You have to be 35. You have to be born in the United States.   We read several books this week on traits that are important for being president. Your child made a “Vote for Me” poster telling us why they would make a good President.
·       Peter Pan at Lamar – What did your child think of the musical? We say actors flying, we saw Captain Hook, an alligator and so on. We also read several Peter Pan stories in class and compared the play/book.
·       Lunar New Year – The year of the Ram/Sheep/Goat. On Thursday we had several parents give a presentation about the Lunar New Year. Thank you to the following families: Grace, Yul, Charlie, Mona, Jake! Story read by Grace’s family, Dumplings by Mona’s family, oranges from Yul’s family, kumquats and red envelope from Charlie’s family. THANK YOU!! Did you hear about our surprise visitor all the way from China?

Houston has a large Lunar New Year celebration. For more information:

Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 22


·       The IB word of the week is INTEGRITY:  How often does your child do the right thing and is honest. Talk about examples. Praise your child during the times he/she shows integrity.
·       Land-forms – In class we are learning about land-forms.  Land-forms are natural physical features on earth such as rivers, valleys, oceans, hills, plains, volcanoes, ponds, plateaus, bays, lakes, rivers, mountains etc.  The students are very excited about learning about land-forms and to many this is a new term. For a little extra – do some research at home about land-forms.  See what facts you can find. Have your child draw a picture and label their land-forms.
·       Weather – What weather patterns and characteristics are particular to each season?
·       -ch - We have been searching for words inside their I-PICK books. Has your child been reading his/her words to you at home? The students LOVE searching for words. Have your child do this activity at home. Make a list of –ch words (beginning and ending).  I call them word detectives. They love it.
·       Skip counting – The students are learning to skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s. Make sure you are practicing at home.

·       Copper the puppy – What did your child tell you about Cooper? 

·       Groundhog Day - We made predictions about Punxsutawney Phil and seeing his shadow.  Watch the news Monday morning before school and let us know your findings!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Thermometer Experiment!

We've been learning about weather and weather tools in class this week!  We've learned that scientists (meteorologists) use tools to help them in their weather investigations.  One such tool is a thermometer.  We performed an experiment in class using thermometers and cups of ice water.  Students were asked to put their thumb on the bulb of a thermometer and to watch what happened to the mercury.  Next, they placed the thermometer into ice water and observed what happened. 
They were able to experiment several times. Ask your child to tell you about their findings!

Some questions to ask about their learning:

·       What do we use a thermometer for?  (to measure temperature)
·       What is temperature?  (It is the measurement of how cold or how hot something feels)
·       What happened when you put your thumb on the bulb? (the mercury went up)
·       What happened when you put the thermometer into ice water? (the mercury went down)
·       List three things that are hot.
·       List three things that are cold.
·       Why did our thumb (body heat) make the temperature rise?  (we are warm-blooded, and our body heat is warmer than the ice-water)
·       Can you think of something to put the thermometer in that would make the temperature go up or down more quickly?

Many students want their own thermometer at home to show you this experiment! Go forth and purchase.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Egg Experiment

Using their five senses students were invited to examine two eggs; one brown and one white. As a class, we discuss our observations. Some students were be surprised to note that, while the eggs look different on the outside, they look the same on the inside. This same lesson translates into other aspects of life - including people!  Ask your child about this lesson at home or try it at home with your family!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Week 19


  • The IB word of the week is ENTHUSIASM:  Is your child excited about his/her learning? What are ways they show it?  
  • Weather – We brainstormed different types of weather.  What types of weather can your child tell you about? We talked in great lengths about tsunamis. Ask your child about this type of weather.  If your child is interested, research tsunamis at home.
  • CH, SH, TH - We have be studying diagraphs and where we see these letters together. Beginning of a word, middle and end. Students have been searching for words inside their I-PICK books that contain these letters. Has your child been reading his/her words to you at home? The students LOVE searching for words. Have your child do this activity at home. Make a list of CH, SH, TH words.  I call them word detectives. They love it.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. – We read the book, “Martin’s Big Words” by Doreen Rappaport. We talked about tolerance and being open minded. Talk to your child about being tolerant. What are ways your child shows tolerance? There is a parade this weekend. For more information go to:
  •  Good luck Tiffany Alagarsamy running the Chevron Half Marathon Sunday!!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Week 16



·    The IB word of the week is CREATIVITY:  Talk to your child about he/she uses their imagination.

·     CVCe Words – Is your child able to read or has begun reading words with “magic e?” Encourage your child to find “magic e” words in books and in your environment.  

·     Math, have your child take his her gingerbread around your home and find items that are larger and smaller than your gingerbread man.

·     We welcome Mr. Matt to our class. Mr. Matt is going to be teaching our class how to earn money. He is a volunteer from Jr. Achievement. Ask your child about the story he read today about the farm and trading.

·     Beginning, middle and end. Being about to retell a story is an important component to literacy. We talked about the beginning, middle and end of a story this week. When reading at home ask your child to retell the stories he/she reads. Ask, what is something that happened at the beginning, middle and end?

·     The class made a picture of themselves in a tacky sweater. Have your child read the adjectives they thought best described their sweater.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Business Fair

3rd Grade Business Fair 

The 3rd grade students have been working very hard to create their own businesses and products for their holiday market.  This is part of their IB Unit of Inquiry. They are hosting a business fair the morning of Tuesday, December 16th at which Roberts’ students are able to purchase their products. In years past the Kindergarten students have loved being able to purchase something and get very excited to see what the 3rd graders have made. The fair also provides students with real life experiences with exchanging money, which we have been learning so much about. Some examples of products available to purchase are duct tape wallets, origami animals and boxes, pencil toppers, and notebooks just to name a few. Please send $1-$5 in a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name on it so that they may purchase something at the business fair.


Friday, December 5, 2014

Week 15


·       The IB word of the week is COOPERATION:  Does your child work well with others? Does your child know when to lead and when to follow? How are you helping them to achieve those goals?
·       CVCe Words – Is your child able to read or has begun reading words with “magic e?” Encourage your child to find “magic e” words in books and in your environment.  
·       In Spanish your child is learning the names in spanish of community workers. See what they can remember.
·       We have had some wonderful parent job presentations. We have learned about the roles of a doctor that researches, a surgeon, a manufacturer of of food products, a lawyer, and a NASA engineer. What has your child learned? What tools do these professions need to perform their job?

·       What is a “want” vs. a “need”?
Need - something you have to have, something you can't do without. A good example is food. If you don't eat, you won't survive for long. Many people have gone days without eating, but they eventually ate a lot of food. You might not need a whole lot of food, but you do need to eat.
Want - is something you would like to have. It is not absolutely necessary, but it would be a good thing to have. A good example is a pet. Now, some children might believe that pets are a need because they think they can't do without it. But you don't a pet to survive. You do need to eat.
·       Thank you for taking the time to research the postcard I brought back for your child. Anytime I travel I try to through a little bit of social studies in the mix when I have time. I hope you enjoyed. We learned that the man in the statue is John Parker. Look him up if you have not yet had a chance.

·       Student made books. We have been working very hard on books. Did you read the Thanksgiving book your child wrote and illustrated? The next one coming home is about Kindergarten. Encourage your child to write these types of books at home. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Week 11


·       The IB word of the week is APPRECIATION:  How does your child show appreciation? What are ways to show you are grateful?  

·       Short /i/ Words – Can your child read and or spell consonant/vowel/ consonant words? pig, rip, hit, dig, sit, lip, did, bib?

·       Math – What have you measured in the classroom and at home using non-standard forms of measurement?

·       IB – Communities. As your child what buildings in our community are essential to our community?

·       Communities – What do these terms mean? Urban, suburban and rural.

·       Ask your child what he/she planted this week.

·       What is a Veteran?

Friday, November 7, 2014

Upcoming Testing

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT 7) will be given November 18. The students will take the non-verbal section of the test. This is a paper-pencil test containing 38 questions. The CogAT is a teacher paced test, with students bubbling in their answer choice in the test booklet. Test results will be sent to parents in early January 2015. 

The IOWA Test, a nationally normed assessment, will be given to all Kindergarten students during December 5-12. Students will take different subtests each day covering reading, math, listening, science, and social studies. This is a paper-pencil test with time limits. Test results will be sent to parents in late January 2015.

Both tests are used in evaluating our students for gifted and talented qualifications. 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Week 8



·       The IB word of the week is RISK-TAKER:  How does your child cope with new experiences and ideas? Are they confident
Book to read: Ira Sleeps Over (one of my favorite books).

·       -et Word Family – We are studying the –et word family. If your child is already reading please practice writing sentences with –et words. How many words can your child make with the –op family? Can your child find -et words within text?

·       Tricky teens – We are learning how to read number 11-19. A good video on YouTube to watch with your child is: Tricky Teens -  Harry Kindergarten

Make flash cards. Have your child order the numbers 11-19.

·       Class pumpkins – We measured, weighed and all types other activities using our pumpkin. Please have your child read his/her class Math and Science pumpkin to you.  

Friday, October 17, 2014

Week 7



·        The IB word of the week is CARING:  How does your child show sensitivity to the needs and feelings of others? In what ways?
Book to read: The Kissing Hand
·        -op Word Family – We are studying the –op word family. If your child is already reading please practice writing sentences with –op words. How many words can your child make with the –op family? Can your child find -op words within text?
·        Review sight words. Even the sight words your child has passed.  Practice will help your child become more fluent in his/her reading.
·        International Presentations and things to talk about with your child:
1.   Mexico – The Mayans, pyramids – Chichen-Itza, volcano – Popocatepetl, The Aztecs, Teotihuacan

2.   Egypt – Wow, what a treat. Ask your child about Jack’s dad’s pharaoh costume (King Tut). We talked about pyramids, camels, sphinxes, mummys (we even make one), hieroglyphics
·       Presentations about family celebrations – What has your child learned? Are there any celebrations that sound really neat?

1.   China – Some people eat noodles on her birthday
2.   Hanukkah and Shabbat – Jewish traditions
3.  Name day in Greece
4.  Indian holiday of Diwali – Festival of lights and eat sweets
5.  Indian holiday called Rakhi where sisters/brothers vow to protect their siblings
6.  Japanese new year tradition where families make mocha (rice cakes) by hitting rice with a large hammer
7.  Coptic Eater where you go to church at midnight and celebrate easter.

              And many, many more!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Week 6


·       The IB word of the week is PRINCIPLED: Is your child learning how to be honest and have a sense of fairness? How so? Talk about ways your child has had to make principled decisions.  How can your child be principled?   
Book to read: Lily’s Purple Purse.  

·       We are learning how to read with a partner.  We sit Elbow, Elbow, Knee to Knee. Ask your child about good “read to partner” skills and what they should be doing during this activity. Have your child demonstrate how to sit with a partner during “read to self.” EEKK!
·       5 Senses – We had a scavenger hunt. What did your child find around the room that was soft, rough, hard, smooth?
·       5 Senses – We studied nature in the Robert’s Garden. What did your child find using his/her sense of sight? What did your child like about the garden? What can they tell you?
·       Review sight words. Even the sight words your child has passed.  Practice will help your child become more fluent in his/her reading.

Your child may be able to answer all of these questions or just some of them.  Whatever they can do, celebrate it!  I’ll try to send questions like this on a regular basis so that you can extend and share their learning from school at home!  J

Friday, September 26, 2014

Week 5


·       The IB word of the week is COMMUNICATOR: How does your child receive and express his/her ideas and information?
·       We have been working very hard in our writing activities. Our motto is: When you’re done, you’ve just begun.
So often students race to finish their work. We have been working hard at using more than 3 colors in our drawing, we have been working on labeling our pictures in our work and also writing words. Students who are not writing words this early in kindergarten are encouraged to write the letters they hear in a word, even if it just one letter. Encourage your child to work on these components at home.

·       We are still working on our 5 sense. While doing an activity, ask your child how many senses he/she is using at one time.   We sorted items into categories of: Touch/Don’t touch. Did you ask your child about their touch/don’t touch picture? A good book to read to your child is 5 Senses, but Aliki.
·       In math we are working on patterns and extending patters. We have talked about AB patterns and AAB patterns. What patterns do you see around your house or out and about in your environment? Is anyone in your family wearing a pattern today? Talk about it.
·       Can your child make tally marks up to 5? Write a number from 1-10 on a piece of paper and have your child make tallies for that number.
·       How many days have we been in kindergarten? 24
·        Who is Johnny Appleseed? We had a quick lesson Friday morning.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Week 4

·        We read the book, “Chrysanthemum,” by Kevin Henkes.  We talked about feelings/emotions and touched on the elements in a story. I hope you were able to read over your child’s work and review elements in a story. We will cover this topic often.

·        Each week your child will have the opportunity to go “book shopping.” We pick out books using this acronym – IPICK. I pick books are based on the following:

·        We are sorting by more than one attribute. Can your child sort items that are big and read small and yellow? Things that are purple with 3 corners?

·        We read the book, “When Sophie Gets Angry – Really, Really Angry,” by Molly Bang. We talked about how illustrators use different colors in their art work to create emotion. Ask your child what color Bang used to demonstrate Sophie getting REALLY ANGRY. (Red). Why do you think the author/illustrator used that color to show anger? We also talked about what makes us REALLY ANGRY. Ask your child. In this unit a lot of our focus is on emotion and feelings because guess what?? We all have them and share that in common.

·        The IB word of the week is THINKER – How does your child use his her mind to think about the world out him/her. Talk about it

·        We are starting the writing process and brainstorming about what we are experts at. This will come into play when we begin writing. What is your child an expert at?


Your child may be able to answer all of these questions or just some of them.  Whatever they can do, celebrate it!  I’ll try to send questions like this on a regular basis so that you can extend and share their learning from school at home!  J