Friday, January 23, 2015

Thermometer Experiment!

We've been learning about weather and weather tools in class this week!  We've learned that scientists (meteorologists) use tools to help them in their weather investigations.  One such tool is a thermometer.  We performed an experiment in class using thermometers and cups of ice water.  Students were asked to put their thumb on the bulb of a thermometer and to watch what happened to the mercury.  Next, they placed the thermometer into ice water and observed what happened. 
They were able to experiment several times. Ask your child to tell you about their findings!

Some questions to ask about their learning:

·       What do we use a thermometer for?  (to measure temperature)
·       What is temperature?  (It is the measurement of how cold or how hot something feels)
·       What happened when you put your thumb on the bulb? (the mercury went up)
·       What happened when you put the thermometer into ice water? (the mercury went down)
·       List three things that are hot.
·       List three things that are cold.
·       Why did our thumb (body heat) make the temperature rise?  (we are warm-blooded, and our body heat is warmer than the ice-water)
·       Can you think of something to put the thermometer in that would make the temperature go up or down more quickly?

Many students want their own thermometer at home to show you this experiment! Go forth and purchase.

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